*Pun not intended.
Unul din developerii care au lucrat la seria Uncharted, David Ballard, acuză că a fost hărțuit sexual de către un lead, prin câteva mesaje pe twitter. Întregul său statement sună așa:
„In late 2015, I was sexually harassed at Naughty Dog by a lead. My work environment became extremely toxic afterward. In February 2016 I had a mental breakdown at work & Sony PlayStation HR became involved. When I told them about the harassment they ended the call and fired me the next day. They cited the company was moving in a different direction and my job was no longer needed. They tried to silence me by offering $20k if I signed a letter agreeing to the termination as well as to not discuss it with anyone. I declined to sign. I have been unemployed for 17 months since.
„When interviewers ask why I left Naughty Dog, I say I was burned out by the crunch, ashamed to get to the root of the problem of being sexually harassed. I’m speaking out now because of the strength I’ve seen in others coming forward about their experiences in the TV/Film industry. This is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I will not let anyone kill my drive or love for the video game industry, my passions or life.”
Dacă e adevărat, e foarte urât ce au făcut cei de la Sony și modul în care au încercat să „rezolve” problema. Deși cei care mai umblați prin corporații probabil știți cam ce metode au unele companii. În fine, până nu se va stabili ceva într-un tribunal, până și corporațiile beneficiază de prezumția de nevinovăție.
Dreptul la replică al Sony este următorul:
„We have recently read on social media that an ex-employee of Naughty Dog, Dave Ballard, claims he was sexually harassed when he worked at Naughty Dog,” a PlayStation spokesperson said. „We have not found any evidence of having received allegations from Mr. Ballard that he was harassed in any way at Naughty Dog or Sony Interactive Entertainment.
„Harassment and inappropriate conduct have no place at Naughty Dog and Sony Interactive Entertainment. We have taken and always will take reports of sexual harassment and other workplace grievances very seriously. We value every single person who works at Naughty Dog and Sony interactive Entertainment. It is of utmost importance to us that we maintain a safe, productive workplace environment that allows us all to channel our shared passion for making games.”
Sec, ca majoritatea comunicatelor date de organizații. Vă vom ține la curent cu dezvoltarea poveștii, când vor ieși la suprafață noi detalii. Se pare că a mai fost un fost angajat Naughty Dog care s-a plâns de cam același lucru, dar și-a șters postarea între timp.
*știu că nu e la locul ei gluma, dar nu pot să mă abțin – Naughty Dog… like, really? Predestinat? Bad boy!
2 Comentarii
Este foarte neplacut ce s-a intamplat insa lucrutile „se spala” in familie, nu trebuie sa stie toata planeta de acest lucru neplacut, se poare rezolva si altfel, parerea mea.
nu ma violeaza si pe mine nici o sefa … Ma simt asa neimplinit in viata