System Shock 3: Tease de la Otherside Entertainment [UPDATE]
>>Wel-l-l-come hack-k-k-kers<<
Carcas-s-sele voastr-r-re EFEMERE de carne-e-e tr@iesc (ultim&le lor) mo*ente glori00ase.
Sy*st%m Sh0ck 3 TEASE aici –> Otherside Entertainment;
N_ uitaţi de re-release $i re_make.
4 Comentarii
Join the original team behind Ultima Underworld on a quest to rekindle this legendary fantasy RPG series. 🙂
We will, Neuromancer, we will…
Kael'Thas Sunstrider
De ce cred ca nu se va ridica la nivelul asteptarilor ?!
Si eu ma tem de chestia asta, mai ales ca in cazul unui SS asteptarile sunt GI-FUCKIN-GANTIC.