Update: a decis numerele câștigătoare:
37, 123, 135.
Comentatorii câștigători vor fi contactați pe mail în cel mai scurt timp.
După cum știți, tocmai ce s-a lansat South Park: The Fractured But Whole. După un pic de agitație creată în culisele NIVELUL2, din care Marco a ieșit câștigător și a devenit iresponsabilul cu review-ul, era să iasă iar un ditamai scandalul când am aflat următoarea veste:
În virtutea mărinimiei prietenilor noștri și Ubisoft, NIVELUL2, sursa voastră preferată de informații legate de jocuri, vă oferă oportunitatea de a elucida trei dintre cele mai obscure mistere din universul South Park. Cine este Mysterion?
Cine se ascunde în spatele măștii lui The Coon?
Și, cel mai important, cine este geniul malefic niciodată pedepsit de către părinți care execută planuri diabolice sub numele de Professor Chaos?
Tot ce trebuie să faceți pentru a elucida unul dintre aceste mistere este să lăsați un comentariu la acest articol, pe site, cu replica preferată din serialul South Park. Trei cititori norocoși desemnați de site-ul vor fi răsplătiți cu câte una dintre figurinele Dr. Chaos, Mysterion și The Coon.
Respect our authoritah, participați la concurs!
Și noi care credeam că figurinele sunt pentru noi… Norocoșilor!
Extragerea va avea loc duminică, 22.10.2017.
P.S. Ați înțeles, sper, că trebuie să comentați cu adrese de mail valide 🙂
153 Comentarii
Marius Mihai Ciubucciu
– „They killed Kenny!”
– „You bastards!”
Jews can’t be palladins.
Eric, did you just say the F word 😉
George Andrei
Oh, I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Actually, what I said was „grabs a fucking megaphone” HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO SUCK MY BALLS MR GARRISON???
Tudor Ancu
Sucky Sucky 5 Dolla!?
They took our jobs!!!
„How do I reeeach these kids?”
Stan: You don’t even know anything about Christianity!
Cartman: I know enough to exploit it.
I am not fat, I am just big bones!
Andrei Catalin Frincu
Omg, they killed Kenny!
Oh, I’m sorry. I thought this was America.
But Mooooommmmmmmmmmm !!! (Cartman girlie voice) :))
Săcăleanu Ionuț Andrei
-They killed Kenny!
-You bastards!
Sucky , Sucky 5 dollah !
Solovastru Ioan
„How would you feel, if someone came into your home, m’kay? And pulled down their pants, and laid a big mud monkey right on your mom’s face?”
Nyah nyah nyah! I made you eat your parents! Nyahnyahnyahnyah nyah nyah!
B. Cosmin
Cartman: Mom, bathroom.
Cartman’s mom: What hun?
Cartman: Bathroom! bathroom!
South Park – Make Love, Not Warcraft
Cristi Popescu
Cartman: How would you like to suck my balls Mr. Garrison?
-They killed Kenny!
-You bastards!
Tanase Traian
„Screw you guys I’m going home”
Andrei Popescu
If dolphins are so smart, why do they get caught in those fishing nets all the time?
Stefan Iarca
Cartman (while dreaming): Hippies – hippies everywhere! They wanna save the Earth but all they do is smoke pot and smell bad!
Cosmin M
Screw you guys, I’m going home
„Well, I’ve been licking this carpet for 3 whole hours and I don’t feel like a lesbian” Cartman FTW
Alex Lightning
„Why is it that everything today has to do with things either going in or coming out of my ass?”
Radu R.
Cartman: I’ll make you eat your parents.
„Oh my God! They killed Kenny!”
Shut your fucking face uncle Fucka
You’re a cock sucking ass
licking uncle Fuckaaaaa! (:
„I’m not fat, I just got a sweet hockey body.”
Irina Ioana
“Mom — kitty is being a dildo.”
“I know a special little kitty that’s sleeping with mommy tonight.”
Mihai Cosmin
Irina A
Chef: You know what they say: You can’t teach a gay dog straight tricks.
Agheorghiesei Adrian
Cartman: I would never let a woman kick my ass. If she tried something, i’d be like, hey! You get your bitch ass back in the kitchen and make me some pie!
„Let the girls stay, Romania is gay”
Alex F
What would Brian Boitano do???
Ginger kids have no souls.
Tweek: „But what if I’m trying to put on the nose, the snowman comes alive and tries to kill me?”
Cristian Cosmin
Yo guys!come on, that’s not cute.You shouldn’t rip on it because she’s fat, you should rip on it because she’s ugly/
Popescu Cristi
you like that shitti titti jelly belly?
Enache Radu
Mysterion e Kenny, The Coon e Cartman iar Chaos este Butters
Enache Radu
Legat de replica:
,, Bastards, they killed Kenny !!! „
Cartman: You so much as TOUCH kitty’s ass, and I’ll put a firecracker in your nutsack and blow your balls all over your pants.
Stan: Jesus, Cartman.
Cartman: Well, I’m just sayn’, man, seriously, don’t mess with kitty, man
Matei Radu
“If you want to find some quality friends, you gotta wade through all the dicks first”-Cartman
Emanuel Miclaus
„God damit”
„Why is it that everything today has to do with things either going in or coming out of my ass?”
Mihai Teodor
„I’m sorry, I thought this was America!”
Sucky Sucky 5 Dolla!?
„Shut your fucking face uncle Fucka”
Stoian Alexandru
Coon and frinds